
Shpëtim Gina

12/13/1951 08/15/1974

Shpetim Gina was born on December 13, 1951 in Berat, a small picturesque town in Albania.

As a child he was instinctively drawn to the world of music and art. In the 8th grade, he studied painting.

At the beginning of high school, due to his beautiful voice, he took part as a soloist in concerts that were organized by the school. It was in his last years of high school that he was drawn to poetry.

His artistic spirit and talent showed in everything he did. His presentations were always neat. He was charming, with a lively mind and a tireless worker. He often read and wrote for more than 16 hours a day.

Between 1970 and 1974, Shpetim pursued a degree in journalism. These years also coincided with his most creative and productive time, which was mostly spent writing poetry. He wrote “Wolf”, “The Guard”, “Travels at Midnight,” and a novel “The Abandoned” among others. What took most of his creative energy, however, was his first play titled “A Love.” Here he broke with the schemata of realistic socialism.

He then wrote “House Nr. 161” and in June of 1972, finished his play “Enemies”. Great noise promptly ensued within the artistic and literary circles: a young man with a play about peace among warring nations, a humanistic message that challenged a dictatorship; the people united in friendship---amongst themselves and their neighbors, to forget wars, to seek peace, and to uproot the violence of fascism and all inhuman acts.

“Enemies” is a play about the human condition, written in a modernist style, with expressionist tones, lucid overtones, with strict clash of characters and ideas. The author was only twenty-one years old when he finished the play.

Shortly thereafter, preparations were underway for its production at the National Theatre. There the director assigned roles and press notices went out in September 1972 stating that the National Theatre troupe would be staging the drama “Enemies” by Shpetim Gina. The “Red Dome” then gave the order that the production of the play was forbidden as it was deemed a modernist act.

The artistic documentary film “Berat” in which he wrote the script for was also forbidden from being aired on television. But he was not broken. He then went on to work on what would be his last play: “Venema,” which took place on a ship cast away at sea, where many “specialists” from all over the world boarded because they were interested in going to an island to carry out a socialist revolution. During the course of events the speaker announces that the ship sank and the “revolutionary” expedition failed.

The play was left unfinished because the young author died accidentally on August 15, 1974. He was just 23 years old.

Even in the darkness of dictatorship, Shpetim could see very far. "After this there is light,” he would say. It was this light that he wanted all of us to see in his works.

Shpetim Gina lindi ne Dhjetor 1951 ne qytetin e vjeter te Beratit.

Ne femijeri e terhiqte bota e ngjyrave dhe e muzikes. Ne vitet e shkolles tetevjecare u muar me pikture.

Ne fillimet e shkolles se mesme, duke pasur nje ze te bukur, mori pjese si solist ne concertet qe organizonte gjimnazi. Nndersa ne vitet e fundit te shkolles e terheq poezia.

Ai ishte artist ne gjithcka. Teper i paster, simpatik, me nje mendje te gjalle, human dhe punetor i palodhur. Lexonte dhe shkruante mbi gjashtembedhjete ore ne dite.

Ne vitet 70-74 kreu studimet e larta per gazetari. Jane vitet e krijimtarise ne poezi. Shkruan "Ujku", "Gardiani", "Udhetim ne mesnate", novelen "I braktisuri" etj. Po ajo qe e terhiqte me teper ishte drama "Nje dashuri" titullohet drama e tij e pare. Ne kete drame thyheshin skemat dhe kornizat e realizmit socialist.

Pastaj shkroi dramen" Shtepia Nr.161" dhe ne qershor 1972 perfundon dramen "Armiq". Zhurme e madhe ne rrethet letrare-artistike: nje djale i ri me nje drame "pacifiste", mesazhi humanist se ciles sfidonte diktaturen: popujt midis tyre jane miq, harrojeni luften, ne dhe populli italian jemi miq, duam paqen, duam te c'rrenjosim dhunen e fashizmit dhe cdo gje antinjerezore ne marredheniet jetesore.

Eshte nje drame psikologjike e shkruar ne menyre moderne, me tone ekspresioniste, qe vende-vende marrin ngjyrime alucinante, me perplasje te rrepta karakteresh dhe idesh. Autori ishte njezet e nje vjec.

Ne Teatrin Kombetar filloi puna: regjizori ndau rolet dhe shtypi dha njoftimin se ne shtator 1972 trupa e Teatrit Kombetar do te vere ne skene dramen "Armiq" te autorit Shpetim Gina Nderkohe "Kubeja e Kuqe" jep urdherin: te ndalohet venia ne skene e drames si veper moderniste.

Ne televizion ndalohet te jepet filmi dokumentar-artistik "Berati" me skenar te tij. Por ai nuk thyhet. Shkruan dramen "Venema": me nje anije nisen disa "Specialiste" nga vende te ndryshme te botes, per te eksperimentuar revolucionin socialist ne nje ishull. Gjate rrjedhes se ngjarjeve spikeri njofton se anija u mbyt dhe se ekspedita "revolucionare" deshtoi...

Drama mbeti e paperfunduar, sepse autori i ri vdiq aksidentalisht ne gusht te 1974. Ishte vetem 23 vjec.

Ne ate erresire te diktatures Shpetimi shihte shume larg.
"Mbas saj ka drite", thoshte ai. Kete drite kerkonte qe ta shihnim edhe ne vepren e tij.